The Wolfdog Southern African Journal

Welcome to the Wolfdog Southern African Journal! This is a literary journal that strives to elevate and promote the writing of writers from Southern Africa and the Southern African diaspora. This does not mean that we only focus on writing that skews toward Southern African themes, but simply the works of those who hail, in some way, from Southern Africa.

Our primary focus is on experimental writing, whatever that happens to mean to the writer in question. We accept many different literary forms, and they include:

  • Prose (short stories and flash fiction)

  • Poetry

  • Drama

  • Essays

  • Anything in between.

We do not have a rigid word limit, but we do not publish novels in the journal. So, you don’t need to keep it short, but you cannot send your fantasy epics. Many apologies!

If you do wish to submit to the journal, you only need to fit one criterion: you need to have some kind of connection to Southern Africa. This does not mean that you have to live in Southern Africa, but you do need to have a connection to it. If you wish to read a little more about the aims of the journal, you can read our introduction to the journal.

If you pass that one requirement, you can email your submission to and be sure to include the following in your brief cover letter.

  • Your preferred name (pen names very much allowed).

  • Your pronouns.

  • A brief explanation of your connection to Southern Africa.

  • An affirmation that you understand that the journal is looking for experimental work.

  • A confirmation that the work is your own (no plagiarism or AI)

If you do not provide these details, we will have to delete your submission.

The email listed above is the email for submissions, but if you have any other queries that are not related to submissions, you can send us an email at and ask us what you want to ask us. Do not send a submission to this email though. We will not read it.

A few final notes before we wrap things up here:

  • At present, we are not able to pay for any submissions as the running of the journal is currently volunteer work.

  • We can only accept submissions in English at the moment.

  • The completed journal will be published as a digital version only. Print copies may be a future possibility, but it is not a plan at the moment.

And that is the Wolfdog Southern African Journal. We look forward to finding some fantastic writers out there. Show us what you’ve got!

Follow us on Twitter for updates on the Wolfdog Southern African Journal and if you wish to contribute to the editor’s (L.C. Lupus) running of the journal, you can make a donation on Ko-Fi.